Phonegap Mobile Apps development Course in Kolkata

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  • Phonegap Mobile Apps development Course in Kolkata


Apart from having website for a business, Mobile apps has also become integral part of any business. With the advent of smart phones, new door of mobile apps development business has opened. Companies now-a-days encourage their customers to download mobile apps and purchase items using apps.

Phonegap/Cordova is a Hybrid platform using which one can develop mobile apps without knowing Java or Swift/Objective C. You can develop high-quality performance based mobile apps using these technologies. All you need to know is HTML5, CSS and JavaScript/Jquery.

Acesoftech Academy provides advance and industrial Phonegap mobile apps development course in Kolkata as well as online with latest and advance technologies. The training is provided by the trainers who are already working in mobile apps development industry as well as providing training.

If you want to build a glittering career in apps redevelopment, we assure you that after learning the course you can develop almost any kind of mobile apps.

Projects: After learning basics of environment set and basic coding, we directly introduce with the real time project. During the course, your trainer will help you to build at least 4 projects. Learning which you can develop complex project anywhere. We understand that without project one cannot get real time experience as well as confidence. That is why our focus is to make you practice with real time mobile apps development.

Project Deployment: We not only will teach you how to develop a mobile apps but also how to build the project and deploy on Google Play, ITunes, etc.


  • What is Native apps, Web apps and Hybrid apps?
  • Understanding Hybrid Architecture of an apps
  • Installing Node.js
  • Installing Cordova
  • Installing Phonegap
  • Testing your Phonegap
  • What is Node.js?
  • What is Cordova?
  • Windows Wifi Testing
  • Android Emulation on Windows Platform
  • Difference between Phonegap and Cordova


  • Understanding Phonegap Architecture
  • Understanding Phonegap project structure
  • Creating your first sample project
  • Running phonegap server
  • Test your project in local browser
  • Test your project in Android Emulator
  • Testing the project Iphone,Ipad


  • Create a simple website Apps
  • Jquery mobile Setup
  • Create home page
  • Jquery Mobile UI Setup
  • Customize CSS
  • Create menus
  • Create other pages like home, about us etc.
  • Using images
  • Testing the project in Ipad, IOX and Andoid Emulator
  • Building the project
  • Generating .APK file
  • Testing the .apk file in your smart phone


  • Install XAMPP server
  • Create MySql Database/Table
  • Create User Registration page
  • Create Insert data using form
  • View list of users
  • Edit User data
  • Delete user Data


  • Install XAMPP server
  • Create MySql Database/Table
  • Create User Registration page
  • Create Insert data using form
  • View list of users
  • Edit User data
  • Delete user Data


  • What is Ionic Framework?
  • Installing Ionic
  • Create Homepage
  • Create Form
  • Create Category
  • Update/Delete Category
  • View Task list
  • Delete Task list


  • What is AngularJs?
  • AngularJs Basic
  • Setup AngularJs for project
  • What is foundation?
  • Foundation setup in project
  • Foundation UI in project
  • Creating form for adding homes
  • Add/update/delete homes
  • View home details
  • Search Homes
  • Project complete
  • Build Project
  • Deploy project on Google Play and Itunes.


  • What is Bootstrap?
  • Bootstrap Basic
  • Installing mobile angular UI
  • Admin section:
  • Create Admin
  • Create login section
  • Add Hotel Room Types
  • Add/Update/Delete Rooms
  • Checkin-Chekout management
  • User management
  • Home Page for hotel
  • View Room types
  • View Room Details
  • Select to Book
  • Fill user details
  • Make Payment
  • Order Complete


  • Use github for project upload
  • Use 'Phonegap Build' for project build
  • Generate .apk file
  • Deploy your project on Google Play
  • Deploy your project on appstore ITunes
  • Course Duration: 3 Months
  • Class: 3 Days In A Week
  • Mode Of Training:




Course Features

  • Course Duration: Months
  • Class:
  • Fees: Rs-
  • Mode Of Training:





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