CodeIgniter Training In Sonarpur Kolkata

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  • Code Igniter Course In Sonarpur kolkata

Why Code Igniter Training from us ?

1. We provide you free domain for online practical projects. So that you can mention in your resume to boost your career.

2. You will be taught by Code Igniter developer having not less than 5 years Code Igniter experience and more than 12 years of IT experience.

3. You can join the course any time(Even Saturday-Sunday). You dont have to wait for the batches.

4. We provide you placement assistance after completing Code Igniter Training from our institute.

  • What is use of oops programming?
  • What is Class in PHP?
  • Declaration of Class.
  • Creating an object for class
  • PHP Access Specifier Private, protected and public
  • Inheritance
  • Encapsulation
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstract Class
  • Final Class in oops
  • Constructor – php 4
  • Constructor and Destructor – php5
  • Scope Resolution Operator (::) in php
  • Parent keyword in oops
  • Self keyword in oops
  • This keyord in oops
  • Class constants
  • Making Life Easier for the Developer
  • Model
  • Views
  • Helpers and Libraries
  • First Things First: The Model
  • Creating the Controller
  • Creating the View
  • Modifying the Controller
  • Modifying the View
  • The system/Folder
  • The system/application Folder
  • config.php
  • database.php
  • autoload.php
  • routes.php
  • The Database Library
  • The Session Library
  • The Form Helper
  • The URL Helper
  • Models and Database Tables
  • Controllers
  • Views
  • Using Folders to Organize Controllers
  • Creating the Login Mechanism
  • Creating the Home Page of the Admin Panel
  • Creating an Export Function for Categories
  • Creating an Export Function for Products
  • Importing a CSV Import Library for Products
  • Creating the Database Table
  • Creating the Model
  • Creating the Admin/Pages Controller
  • Creating the Administrative Views
  • Choosing and Integrating a WYSIWYG
  • Editor
  • Updating the Welcome Controller
  • Creating a Newsletter Tool
  • Creating the Database Table and Model
  • Adding a subscribe() Function
  • Creating the Form
  • Creating Administrative Screens
  • Filtering User Input
  • Encrypting Sessions
  • Additional Security Resources

Course Features

  • Course Duration: Months
  • Class:
  • Fees: Rs-
  • Mode Of Training:





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