Asp.NET Full Stack Course In Sonarpur Kolkata

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Acesoftech Academy offers advanced and Industrial Java Full Stack Course offline in Sonarpur Kolkata and online all over the world. In this Java Full Stack Course in Sonarpur Kolkata, you will learn from basic to advanced industrial level.

Advanced part for this course such as J2EE, Hybernate, Spring and Spribgbootetc is taught by Umar Rahman who has been teaching and working on Java for last 20 years.

After doing this course we provide 100% job placement in any I.T. Company which is related to Java development. If you're looking for a comprehensive Java Full stack course in Sonarpur Kolkata, we assure you we will provide you the quality Java Full stack course in Sonarpur Kolkata and online as well. This course covers everything from the basics of Java programming to advanced topics such as web development, databases, and software engineering. You'll get hands-on experience with popular Java frameworks such as spring and Hibernate, and learn how to build web applications using technologies like JSP and servlets. The course also includes a project where you'll put your skills to use by developing a complete web application. After learning this Advanced Java Course in Sonarpur Kolkata, you will be able to get lucrative jobs in the reputed companies.

Upon completion of the course, you'll be well-prepared for a career in Java development.

Projects are compulsory:

Apart from providing you basic concept of the Java, we focus on Java Projects. In this course you will do at least 2 real-life projects like e-commerce project and also one banking project.

  • Introduction To Java
  • Java History
  • Why Java
  • Features of Java
  • Environment Setup
  • Hello World Application
  • Java Program Internal
  • JVM- Java Virtual Machine
  • Class, Objects, Data Types
  • Variables
  • Type Casting
  • Operators
  • Java Comments
  • Object Oriented Programming Concepts
    • Abstraction
    • Encapsulation
    • Polymorphism
    • Inheritance
  • Java Coding Standards
  • Package – Creating package, naming package
  • Java Keywords
  • Access Specifiers – Public, Private, Protected, Default
  • Static Concept – Block, Variable, Method, Class
  • Scanner Class
  • Control Statement – If, If…else, Nested if…else and SwitchCase
  • Java Break Statement
  • Java Continue Statement
  • Flow Statement- for, while, do..while
  • Constructor- Default, Parameterized
  • Inheritance
  • Extends, super and this keyword
  • Method Overloading, Method Overriding
  • Interface
  • Abstract Class
  • Abstract Class vsInterface
  • Garbage Collection
  • Marker Interface
  • Serialization
  • Transient
  • Java instanceof
  • Instance initializer block
  • Volatile Keyword in Java
  • Exception Handling
  • Exception Handling- try, catch, throw, throws, finally
  • String Concept
    • String Basics
    • String Methods
  • String Buffer
  • String Builder
  • Custom Immutable Class
  • Java - Arrays
  • Collection Framework
    • -Collection Basics
    • -Iterator Interface
    • - Methods of Collection Interface
      • List
        • A] Array List
        • B] Linked List
        • C] Vector
      • Set
        • A] Hash Set
        • B] Tree Set
      • Map
        • A] Hash Map
        • B] Tree Map
        • C] Hashtable
  • Collection Framework Advance Concepts
    • Comparable Interface
    • Comparator Interface
    • Collections class
    • Differentiate Comparable and Comparator
  • Java Enum
  • Date Concept
  • File Handling Concept
    • File Handling Basics
    • Create Folder
    • Create File- .txt. .pdf, .xlsx, .docs, etc
    • Write File
    • Read File
    • Delete File
  • Thread
    • Concept, Lifecycle
    • Extends Thread
    • Implement Runnable Interface
    • Thread Priorities
    • Thread Methods
  • Multithreading
  • Thread Synchronization
    • Synchronization
    • Object Locking
    • Inter Thread Communication
  • JDK 1.8.0 New Features with Hands-on
    • Lambda Expression
    • Functional Interface
    • Default Method in Interface
    • Static Method in Interface
    • Method References
    • Date Time API
    • Stream API in details[All Advanced concepts as per Industry Practices]
    • Collectors
    • For each Loop
    • String Joiner Class
    • Parallel Sort
    • Optional Class
  • Java Mail API- Realtime Live Implementation

* Programming practices, Concepts & Interview Preparation

  • JDBC
    • JDBCIntroduction
    • JDBC Architecture
    • DatabaseOverview
    • JDBC Basics
    • MySQL
    • Create Database
    • Create Table
    • Insert, Update, Delete
    • Truncate
    • SQLJoin
      • Inner Join
      • Left Outer Join
      • Right Outer Join
      • Full Outer Join
    • Aggregate Function
      • MIN
      • MAX
      • AVG
      • SUM
      • COUNT
    • SQL HAVING Clause
    • GROUP BY
    • ORDER BY
    • SQL Aliases
    • SQL LIKE Operator
    • SQL IN
    • SQL NOT IN
    • SQL Between
    • SQL Null Values
    • SQL TOP
    • SQL Stored Procedures
    • Java Application Using JDBC Connectivity
    • Handling SQLExceptions
    • DriverManager
    • ResultSet
    • Connection
    • Statement
    • Prepared Statement
    • Collable Statement
    • DB Connectivity Steps
    • Store Image in SQL
    • Read Image in SQL
    • SQL Queries using SQLYog
    • JDBC CRUD Application
    • Servlet
      • Servlet Basics
      • Need of Server Side Programming
      • Servlet Life
        • Init()
        • Service()
          • doGet()
          • doGet()
          • doPost()
        • Destroy()
      • Servlet Hello World Application
      • Web.xml Structure
      • Servlet Directives- include(), forword(), sendRedirictive()
      • HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse in Servlet
      • Servlet and JDBC Integration
      • Servlet, HTML 5, MySQL-JDBC, Apache Tomcat using Real Time Login Application
      • Servlet, JSP, MySQL- JDBC, Apache Tomcat using Custom CRUD Application
      • Servlet, JSP, MySQL- JDBC, Apache Tomcat using Custom Sign Up | Sign In Application
        • JSP
          • JSP Basics
          • Creating dynamic Web content with JSP
          • Scriplet
          • Declaration
          • Servlet, JSP, MySQL- JDBC, Apache Tomcat Login Application
          • Servlet, JSP, MySQL- JDBC, Apache Tomcat using User Sign Up | Sign In Application
          • Servlet, JSP, MySQL- JDBC, Apache Tomcat using Custom CRUD Application with JDK Advanced features
          • Servlet, JSP, MySQL- JDBC, Apache Tomcat using Custom CRUD Application with different
          • Servlet, JSP, MySQL- JDBC, Apache Tomcat Using Advanced Custom ProjectImplementation
          • Programming practices, Concept & Interview Preparation.

  • Hibernate
    • Hibernate Introduction
    • Hibernate Basics
    • Hibernate Architecture
    • Hibernate Session
    • Hibernate SessionFactory
    • Hibernate Configuration
    • Hibernate Configuration Offline
    • Hibernate with HBM
    • Hibernate with Annotation
    • Hibernate Validator
    • Hibernate CRUD
    • Hibernate Association Mapping
      • One to One Mapping
      • One to ManyMapping
      • Many to OneMapping
      • Many to ManyMapping
    • Hibernate Aggregation
    • Hibernate Named Queries
    • Hibernate Native SQL
    • HQL- Hibernate QueryLanguage
    • Hibernate HCQL- Criteria Query Language
    • Hibernate Application with Mysql DB- CRUD
    • Diff. save(), saveOrUpdate(), update(), persist() and merge()
    • Diff. get() and load()
    • Hibernate vs. JPA
    • Hibernate Application with Mysql DB, Servlet, JSP-User Interface-CRUD
    • Hibernate, MySQL, Servlet, JSP, Apache Tomcat Login Application
    • Hibernate, MySQL, Servlet, JSP, Apache Tomcat Sign Up | Sign In Application
    • Hibernate Application with Mysql DB, Servlet, JSP-User Interface-different Date Patterns with time zones
    • Hibernate, MySQL, Servlet, JSP, Apache Tomcat Advanced Custom Project Implemenation
    • Programming practices, Concept & Interview Preparation.
      • Spring Framework
        • Spring Framework Introduction
        • Spring Basics
        • Spring Framework Features
        • Inversion of Control
        • Dependency Injection
        • Beans Scope
          • Singleton
          • Prototype
          • Request
          • Session
          • Global-Session
        • Auto wiring
        • Spring Annotations
      • Spring MVC
        • Spring MVC Basics
        • Spring MVC Annotations
        • Spring MVC Hello World Application
        • Spring MVC Restful Web Services Basics
        • Spring MVC without Maven
        • Apache Maven Basics
        • Spring MVC with Maven
        • Spring MVC Application Deployment
        • Spring MVC Application Deployment with Loggers
        • Spring MVC WAR File Creation and Deployment Steps
        • Spring MVC, Hibernate, Mysql, Apache Maven, Apache Tomcat- CRUDOperation
        • Java, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Algorithm, Hibernate, Maven, MysqlIntegrationApplication
          • Modules1. Customer Login
          • Add Customer Details
          • Edit Customer Information
          • Delete Customer
          • Delete all Customer
          • View Customer List
          • Roles
          • AdminRole
          • DBA Role
          • User Role
          • Password Encryption by using Spring SecurityAlgorithm
          • Remember Me Functionality
          • Timeout Functionality
          • Deploy on external Server
      • Spring Security
        • Spring Security Basics
        • Spring Security Features
        • Spring Security Authentication
        • Spring SecurityEncryption
        • Password Encryption by using SpringSecurity
        • Spring Security Login Form
        • Spring Security Authentication
        • Spring Security Maven Dependency
        • Spring Security CRUD- Signup and Login Application
        • Spring Security OAuth2 RealTime Implementation
        • Spring Boot End Points Security
        • Spring Boot, Spring Security- Restful Web Services with Advanced Authentication
        • Single Sign-On with Spring Boot & Okta | OAuth 2.0
        • Spring Boot with JWT Token base authentication
        • Spring Boot with Spring Security using BCrypt Algorithm Role base authorization
      • Spring Boot
        • Spring Boot Introduction
        • Spring Boot Basics
        • Why Spring Boot
        • Spring Boot Features
        • Main Goal of Spring Boot
        • Creating Project- Spring Initializer
        • Spring Boot Hello World Application
        • Spring Boot Annotations
        • Spring Boot Devtool Dependency- Without Restart application will see changes on browser
        • Spring Boot Actuator
        • Spring Boot Build Systems
        • Spring Boot Code Structure
        • Spring Boot Tomcat Custom Port Number
        • Spring Boot with RESTFul Service
        • Spring Boot with Logger
        • Deploy Spring Boot Applications on External Tomcat Server
        • Spring Boot – Common Application Properties (
        • Spring Boot, Hibernate with RESTFul Web Service
        • Spring Boot, Spring Data with RESTFul Web Service
        • Spring Boot, Hibernate CRUD Application
        • Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA CRUD Application
        • Spring Boot, Spring- JDBCTemplate CRUD
        • Spring Boot, Hibernate, MySQL, Project Lombok CRUD Application
        • Spring Boot with XML Payload using PostmanAPI
        • Spring Boot with JSON Payload using PostmanAPI
        • Spring Boot Global Custom Validations
        • Spring Boot Global Custom Exception Handling
        • Spring Boot Code Debug Practices
        • Spring Boot Application connectivity with Multiple Databases
        • Spring Boot CORS Support
        • Spring Boot with Hibernate, Project Lombok, Swagger UI
        • Spring Boot with Hibernate HRM Application, Swagger UI
        • Spring Boot Local Network Chat Application
        • Spring Boot QR Code Generator Hands on Session
        • Spring Boot QR Code Reader Hands on Session
        • Spring Boot with Spring Security- JWT
        • Spring Boot Advanced Research and Development with latest release as per Industry Practices
      • Spring Data- JPA
        • Spring Data JPA Basics
        • Spring Data JPA Introduction
        • Spring Data JPA Architecture
        • Spring Data JPA application.propertiesfile
        • JPA Repository
        • CRUD Repository
        • Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA CRUD using PostmanAPI
        • Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA HRM Application using Swagger UI
        • Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA CRUD using Postman API | Swagger UI
      • JUnit- Mockito Framework
        • What is Unit testing
        • What is JUnit
        • JUnit Rules
        • JUnit Arithmetic Application Example
        • Mockito Introduction
        • Mockito Annotations
        • Mockito Setup
        • What is Mocking
        • Need for mocking
        • Methods of Mockito
        • Mockito mock() method
        • Mockito when() method
        • Mockito verify() method
        • Mockito doNothing() method
        • Mockito times() method
        • PowerMock
        • JUnit Mockito Hibernate CRUD
        • JUnit Mockito JPA CRUD
        • JUnit Mockito JDBCTemplate CRUD
      • Spring- JDBCTemplate
        • Spring JDBCTemplate Introduction
        • RowMapper
        • Builder
        • Spring Boot, JDBCTemplate using Postman API Hands on Session
        • Industrial Practices for Spring Boot JDBCTemplate
        • Spring Boot JDBCTemplate CRUD Application
        • Spring Boot JDBCTemplate SignUp | SignIn Application
        • Real Time Signup and Signin Application using JDBCTemplate
        • Spring Boot with JDBCTemplate HRM Application Swagger UI
        • Advanced Research and Development for JDBCTemplate using Spring Boot
  • MongoDB Introduction
  • MongoDB Features
  • MongoDB Database
  • MongoDB Collection
  • Spring Boot with MongoDB Integration
  • Spring Boot with MongoDB CRUD Application
  • Spring Boot with MongoDB API Creation
  • Spring Boot with MongoDB SignUp | SignIn
  • Spring Boot with MongoDB HRM Application
  • SOAP Web Service
  • RESTful Web Service
  • Singleton Design Pattern
  • Builder Design Pattern
  • Factory Pattern
  • Abstract Factory Pattern
  • Prototype Pattern
  • Facade Pattern
  • Adapter Pattern
  • Filter Pattern
  • Composite Pattern
  • Decorator Pattern
  • Proxy Pattern
  • Iterator Pattern
  • 6Flyweight Pattern
  • MVC Pattern
  • MicroservicesIntroduction
  • MicroservicesArchitecture
  • Microservices Project Structure
  • Microservices Frameworks
  • Spring Boot with Microservices Basics
  • Spring Boot with Microservices Coding Standards
  • Spring Boot with Microservices Builder Design Pattern
  • Spring Boot with Microservices QR Code Generator
  • vs application.yml file
  • Spring Boot, Hibernate, Maven, MySQL CRUD Application- POSTMAN API
  • Spring Boot, Spring Data- JPA, Maven, MySQL CRUD Application- POSTMAN API
  • Spring Boot, Spring Data- JDBCTemplate, Maven, MySQL CRUD Application
  • Spring Boot, ORM, Microservices with Project Lombok
  • Spring Boot, CORS, Spring Data[JDBCTemplate], Microservices CRUD with Project Lombok using React JS
  • Creating Multiple Services using Spring Boot
  • Logger with Microservices
  • Rest Template Implementation
  • VO package creation for Multi Model Application
  • Set port number and application name for each service
  • Service Registry- Eureka Server
  • API Gateway for traverse centralize request
  • Hystrix DashBoard
  • Zipkin
  • Sleuth
  • Trace Application- System Health
  • Spring cloud API Gateway
  • Trace Fallback controller
  • Trace Services are up/down using controller service
  • Trace Dependent Services
  • Trace Controller | Methods and Services how many times used/hit
  • Advanced Level Research and Development for Microservices
  • Microservices HRM/Payroll Application
  • Microservices Customer | Product | Payment Order Application
  • Spring boot project with Microservice architecture Real time integration of spring cloud eureka,Spring cloud API Gateway & Hystrix
  • Spring Boot with Microservices all Advanced Interview Questions & Answers
  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap
  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • Domain and Hosting
  • Website Deployment and Go Live
  • React JS Basics
  • React JS Features
  • React JS Setup and Hello World Application
  • React JS JSX
  • React JS ES 6 Features
  • React JS Component
  • React JS State
  • React JS Props
  • React JS Constructor
  • React JS Lifecycle
  • React JS Events
  • React JS Router
  • React JS Forms
  • React JS Tables
  • React JS Portals
  • React JS ES6
  • React JS CSS
  • 9React JS Redux
  • React JS Hooks
  • React useState Hook
  • React useEffect Hooks
  • JS, Axios, API Integrations
  • React JS and Back End Integration
  • React JS Using Back End CRUD Application
  • Spring Boot, React JS QR Code Application
  • Spring Boot, React JS HRM Application
  • Spring Boot, React JS Ecommerce Application
  • ReactJS, JDK 1.8, Spring Boot, Data JPA, Maven, MySQL, Microservices, ProjectLombok- Project Implementation

If you're looking to get ahead in the tech world, learning Java is a great way to do it. Not only is Java a popular and versatile programming language, but it's also relatively easy to learn. And once you've learned Java, you'll be able to apply your skills to a wide range of different tasks and projects.

1. Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. That means that there are plenty of opportunities out there for Java developers. And because Java is so versatile, you'll be able to use your skills on a variety of different projects.

2. Learning Java will give you a solid foundation in programming principles. Once you've learned the basics of Java, you'll be able to pick up other languages more easily. That's because understanding the principles of programming is more important than knowing the specifics of any one language.

3. Java is used in a wide range of industries, from web development to software engineering. That means that if you want to change careers or move into a new field, learning Java will give you the transferable skills you need.

4. Overall, learning Java can be extremely beneficial for your career prospects. So if you're looking to get ahead in the tech world, make sure you add Java to your list of skills!

Course Features

  • Course Duration: Months
  • Class:
  • Fees: Rs-
  • Mode Of Training:





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