Nodejs Training in Kolkata


NodeJs ExpressJs with MongoDb

ACESOFTECH ACADEMY provides comprehensive Node.js training in Kolkata. The academy provides complete practical training of Node.js including live projects and simulations. The complete Node.js course has eased our learners to get job in several MNCs.
The course is taught by our professional and industry proficient trainers so that they can provide thorough knowledge of Node.js course.
After completing the Node.js course the students get enough job prospects in the industry.
The academy provides latest technologies to help the students to get complete training and certification. We provide flexible time to our students according to their convenience even on weekends.
The course is taught in the class-room and online classes are also available.
ACESOFTECH ACADEMY is a premier IT-Training institute in Kolkata. The institute imparts high-quality job-oriented course. The NODE.js course in our institute offers training to beginners and experts also.
The course is designed not only for college students but for the working I.T. professional and project managers. The components of the course and training programs are flexible for all levels of learners.
The academy doesn’t charge high course fees. The fees is reasonable which can be afforded by the students
After completing the Node.js course in our institute, we help the students for preparing the interviews.
ACESOFTECH ACADEMY provides 100% placement assistance in reputed companies. The trained students has given their genuine review of our institute.
The academy itself is a reputed institute of Kolkata from last 10 years in providing the best candidates to the industry.
ACESOFTECH ACADEMY has the latest devices which helps the students to get the complete knowledge about the course which includes live projects. The complete training provided in our institute helps the students to effectively get the job.
If you are looking for NODE.js training institute in Kolkata, you will find our institute as per your expectation.
ACESOFTECH ACADEMY is the best Node.js training institute in Kolkata.

  • What is NodeJs
  • Difference between LAMP Stack and MEAN stack
  • Synchronous and Asynchronous programing
  • Are of use of NodeJs
  • Install NodeJs LTS version
  • Working with REPL
  • Your first program Hello World
  • Understanding module of Nodejs
  • Built-in modules third-party modules
  • How to install third party modules
  • Creating package.json file
  • Understanding call-backs in Nodejs
  • Call-back functions
  • Blocking and Non-Blocking example of call-backs
  • How events work in Nodejs
  • Binding Functions to Events
  • Nodejs Global events
  • NodeJs Event Handler
  • What are callback erros
  • What is event-emitters
  • Error object
  • Try…catch
  • Throw
  • Call stack
  • What is buffers
  • Creating Buffers
  • Reading and Writing Buffers
  • Manipulating Buffers
  • What is streams
  • Reading from streams
  • Writing to a Stream
  • Piping the Streams
  • Chaining the Streams
  • What is ExPressJs
  • Why use ExpressJs
  • Installing Expressjs
  • ExPressJs routes
  • Understanding Layouts
  • ExpressJs and templates
  • loading static pages
  • Create 5 Page Express website
  • Hello World
  • Event handling
  • Broadcasting
  • Namespaces
  • Insalling MongoDb on local machine
  • Insatalling Compass
  • Difference between MySql and MongoDB
  • Databse
  • Collection
  • Document
  • Data types
  • Insert / Update /Delete
  • Export data in Json format
  • Projection & sorting
  • Indexing, aggregation
  • Backup & restore data.
  • Understanding relationships in Mongo
  • Covered queries
  • What is Atomicity
  • What is MongoDB ObjectId
  • Quering data with regular expressions
  • Create server with node
  • Create Model with Express
  • Create Routes with Express
  • Create router Endpoint
  • Creating API
  • CRUD operaton with Nodejs/Eexpress and MongoDb
  • Admin
  • Create category
  • Create post
  • Display category list
  • Display Post
  • Display Single post

Course Features :

  •    Course Duration: 2.5 Months
  • Class: 3 Days In A Week
  •   Mode Of Training: 1. Classroom 2. Online 3. WeekEnd

Course Features

  • Course Duration: Months
  • Class:
  • Fees: Rs-
  • Mode Of Training:





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