Advance Java Training In Sonarpur Kolkata

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Acesoftech Academy offers advanced and current-trend industry based Java training in Kolkata. Acesoftech offers comprehensive industrial Java training with practical session combined projects and simulations.

The training session is started with Core Java which equips the students to understand the fundamental of Java. Our expert trainers help the students to do smaller projects in core Java section to understand how Java can be used in practical world.

The course can be attended by college going students or anyone who wants to build career in the field of Java world.

Our timing is also flexible. Students can join Java class in weekdays and weekend also.One does not have to wait for the batches. Though, we try our best to combine students into batches so that one can get group Java course in Kolkata.

Acesoftech Academy a trusted Java training institute in Sonarpur Kolkata has course content which can be attended by beginners, having intermediate knowledge and experts. Here we provide best platform for students as well as working professionals for learning Advanced and Industrial java course.

We are one of the best Java training institutes in Sonarpur Kolkata which understands the value of money. Our Java course is pocket-friendly which can be taken by anyone without paying hefty fees.

Once you complete the course, we also help in preparing for interview. We provide list of possible questions and answers which helps the students to crack the interview easily. We try our best to send for placement to or students to MNCs and middle level Java companies.

Our focus in this training module is to make our students to develop real-life projects. Developing projects is essential in training module. During the projects our trainers will be helping you and explaining you the concept of the project.

This course can be attended online also. We provide Online Java training also. So, anyone who cannot come to our physical classroom training center, can join this course online.

Our Java course content has been designed by the expert who has long reputation of working on Java platform as well providing training.

For whatever reason you are reading, we assure you that in this Java training course you will get value of money and time and will build solid career in Java field.

  • What is java?
  • Why Java?
  • Role of Java Programmer in Industry
  • Features of Java Language
  • JVM –The heart of Java
  • Java’s Magic Bytecode
  • Installing Java (JDK, JRE)
  • Java Program Development
  • Java Source File Structure
  • Compilation
  • Execution
  • Identifiers, Modifiers
  • Keywords,Comments
  • Operators, Loops
  • Conditional Statements
  • Defining Package
  • CLASSPATH Setting for Packages
  • Import a package
  • Naming Convention for Packages and Class
  • Class Fundamentals
  • Object & Object reference
  • Creating and Operating Objects
  • Variables and data types
  • Constructor & initialization code block.
  • Methods, Defining Methods
  • Argument Passing Mechanism
  • Use of “this “ keyword
  • Working of Main method
  • Command line argument
  • System.out.println
  • Concept of Inheritance and Need of Inheritance
  • Use and Benefits of Inheritance in OOP
  • Inheriting Data Members and Methods
  • Role of Constructors in inheritance
  • Type Compatibility and Conversion
  • Implementing Interfaces
  • Abstract Class & Interfaces
  • Overloading, Overriding
  • Dealing with Static Members
  • Single Copy Concept of Static
  • Garbage Collection
  • Finalize () Method
  • Var Argument
  • Wrapper Classes
  • Enumeration
  • Inner Classes
  • Generalization
  • Tokenization
  • Single Ton Pattern
  • Decorator Pattern
  • Object Orientation
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Defining an Array
  • Types of Array
  • Initializing & Accessing Array
  • Array of Arrays
  • Anonymous Array
  • Constant Pool
  • Immutability in String
  • Operation on String
  • String Buffer
  • String Builder
  • The Idea behind Exception
  • Types of Exceptions
  • Exceptions & Errors
  • Control Flow in Exceptions
  • JVM reaction to Exceptions
  • Use of try, catch, finally, throw, throws in Exception Handling.
  • In-built and User Defined Exceptions
  • Assertion
  • Some new features add-on in Java 7
  • Understanding Threads
  • Thread Life-Cycle
  • Runnable Interface
  • Defining, Instantiating, and
  • Starting Threads
  • Thread Priorities
  • Synchronization
  • Inter Communication of Threads
  • Critical Factor in Thread DeadLock
  • Some new features add-on in Java 7
  • Streams and the new I/O Capabilities
  • Understanding Streams
  • The Classes for Input and Output
  • The Standard Streams
  • Working with File Object
  • File I/O Basics
  • Reading and Writing to Files
  • Buffer and Buffer Management
  • Read/Write Operations with File Channel
  • Console and Scanner Classes
  • Serialization
  • Some new features add-on in Java 7
  • Collections of Objects
  • Collection Types
  • Use of collection
  • Set
  • List
  • Queue
  • Map
  • Comparable and comparator Interfaces
  • Creating your own collection
  • Generic and Generic Collection
  • Event- Handling Process
  • Event-Handling Mechanism
  • The Delegation Model of Event Handling
  • Event Classes
  • Event Sources
  • Event Listeners
  • Anonymous Inner classes a Short –cut to Event Handling
  • Event Types & Classes
  • Introduction to JDBC
  • JDBC Drivers & Architecture
  • Statements
  • Glob and Blob


  • What is J2EE?
  • What is server application?
  • Server (Apache)
  • Container (Tomcat)
  • Why needed a browser in server application?
  • What is Servlet?
  • Life Cycle of servlet
  • HTTP Servlet
  • Generic servlet
  • Do Get and Do Post
  • What is Session and Session Object?
  • Dispatcher and Send Redirect
  • Cookie, URL Rewriting, Listener
  • Filter and Mappings
  • What is JSP?
  • Life Cycle of JSP
  • Various tags in JSP
  • Use Bean tag in JSP
  • EL Expression
  • JSTL (Java Standard Tag Libraries)
  • Custom Tag

PART-3 (Frameworks)

  • What are application frameworks?
  • Why we need frameworks?
  • Why we need Struts?
  • Struts Models and MVC
  • Struts control flow and architecture
  • Dao Pattern, Default stack
  • Interceptors, Mappings
  • Struts APIs
  • What is persistence?
  • Object Relational Mapping
  • Understanding the architecture
  • “Hello World” with Hibernate
  • Mapping persistent classes
  • Transaction, Concurrency, Caching
  • Advance mapping concepts
  • Writing Hibernate application
  • ORM implementation strategies


  • Springing into Action
  • Basic Bean writing
  • Advanced Bean writing
  • Advising Beans
  • Hitting the database
  • Managing transactions
  • Securing Spring
  • Spring messaging
  • Spring and Enterprise Java Beans
  • Accessing Enterprise Services
  • Handling web requests
  • Rendering web views
  • Using Spring web flow
  • Integrating with other web framework

Kolkata is eastern India’s IT hub where there are more than 1600 IT companies working. These companies comprise of smaller, medium sized as well as bigger and MNCs like TCS, Capgemini, IBM, Ericson etc.

Most of the IT companies are based in Kolkata’s Salt Lake City. Because of being good IT environment and easy communication, most of the companies prefer Salt Lake City. But, there are several other IT companies also which are at other places of Kolkata.

Though smaller companies normally do not work on JAVA but medium size and bigger companies work on JAVA technology. So, if you learn JAVA properly there is high chance that you will get placement also. But it’s very important to understand that your concept of JAVA should be clear or else just doing JAVA class is not going to help you to get job.

Normally, thecompanies which work on JAVA technology have foreign clients. So, they need candidates having experience that have done projects on JAVA during training. We at Acesoftech Academy, a premier JAVA Training institute in Sonarpur Kolkata, pays special attention on projects. In this JAVA training you will do at least 3 projects. So that your concept of JAVA will be clear and you will get confidence on JAVA technology.

If you search JAVA Training canter in Kolkata, you will get several results of Java training Institute but what Acesoftech Academy sets apart from others is that we have dedicated and knowledge trainer having industry experience as well as great skill of JAVA training. If you are looking for good salaried package career. You can go for JAVA course. Because JAVA is the language which has been here for last 20 years.

  • Acesoftech Academy is one of the Premier JAVA training institutes in Kolkata which guarantees you advanced and Industrial JAVA Training.
  • The Course has been designed by JAVA expert.
  • The trainer has done MCA and he has been training JAVA as well as working on JAVA for long.
  • Minimum 3 projects along with this course. Projects are not optional but compulsory at our canter.
  • Week-end classes are also available.
  • Flexible time and flexible dates are available.
  • Personal care and help in project also.
  • Even your course is finished; our relation does not end here. You can also take help through phone, emails Facebook etc.
  • We provide certificate also after completing the course.
  • Fee hosting will be provided for live projects.
  • Java is high paying job programing language
  • Java is platform independent and also Versatile
  • Java is based on Popular OOPS pattern
  • Java is ubiquitous, you find Java everywhere
  • Several Java Development Tools
  • Java applications can be for desktop, mobile as well as websites
  • Huge Resources & Community Support
  • Java has Rich API to work with
  • Several new features has been added in Java 9 onwards
  • Java is Easy to understand and it’s also Open Source

        Question and Answer

        JAVA FAQs

        Features of Java

        Future Scope and application of with Java

        Job Roles and their average salaries

        Who can attendthe Java Training in Kolkata?


Sagar Kumar

Excellent course!

I am Sagar Kumar from Patna, I have done JAVA training in Kolkata from Acesoftech Academy, I am B-Tech final year student and want to build my career in JAVA. I am satisfied with JAVA training at this institute. The trainer is very soft and cordial.
-- Written by: Sagar Kumar, Advance JAVA Training
Date published: 04/01/2016


Sudipto Basu

Excellent course!

I am Sudipto Basu, I live in Bengaluru. I had gone my native city Kolkata for 3 months. So, I decided to do Advanced JAVA course from Acesoftech Academy. I searched Advanced Java training in Kolkata and found few Java Training institutes in Kolkata but after analysis, I found this institute best. I am working in a MNC in Bengaluru on JAVA technology.
-- Written by: Sudipto Basu, Advance JAVA Training
Date published: 12/05/2016


Konkana Banerjee

Excellent course!

I love JAVA, I had done core JAVA from other instate when I was in class 12. But, Now I wanted to learn Advanced JAVA including Hibernate and spring. I learnt JAVA from Irafaan sir at Acesoftech Academy. He is very knowledgeable and very helpful also. I am very happy that he taught me very well.
-- Written by: Konkana Banerjee, Advance JAVA Training
Date published: 14/03/2017


Sovik Chanda

Excellent course!

I am Soivk Chanda from Jadavpuruniversity in Kolkata. I am 3rd years engineering student. I along with my other two friends did Core as well as Advance JAVA from Acesoftech Academy. I am very satisfied with the quality of the training. Sir here is very helpful and teaches properly.
-- Written by: Sovik Chanda, Advance JAVA Training
Date published: 24/05/2017


Moin Khan

Excellent course!

I am from Asansol and I am doing engineering from Asansol Engineering college. I was looking for Advanced JAVA course at my city but could not find the good JAVA training centre in Asansol. I decided to go to Kolkata and learn JAVA from there. After searching many institutes, I finally decided to learn JAVA from Acesoftech Academy. The training quality of this centre is very good.
-- Written by: Moin Khan, Advance JAVA Training
Date published: 16/09/2017


Mitali Chaterjee

Excellent course!

I am Mitali a Working professional in an MNC. I wanted to learn Android, so I decided to learn JAVA first. I did JAVA training in Kolkata from Acesoftech Academy and learnt very well. The trainer of this institute is very knowledgeable and cordial.
-- Written by: Mitali Chaterjee, Advance JAVA Training
Date published: 04/11/2017


Piyali Basu

Excellent course!

Myself Piyali Basu.A second year Engineering student. I am learning JAVA from this institute and I am getting very good training. I like the way the trainer explains the subjects
-- Written by: Piyali Basu, Advance JAVA Training
Date published: 08/01/2018


Iftekhar Alam

Excellent course!

I am Iftekhar Alam, planning to go to Dubai. My brother who already lives there and working on JAVA, suggested me to do JAVA course. I am learning advanced JAVA from Acesoftech Academy. The trainers are really very good.
-- Written by: Iftekhar Alam, Advance JAVA Training
Date published: 21/03/2018


Sanjay Singh

Excellent course!

I am Sanjay Singh and have done JAVA course 6 months back from Acesoftech Academy. Currently I am working on Android platform. But the solid training of JAVA that I got from this institute really helped me to grasp Android faster.
-- Written by: Sanjay Singh, Advance JAVA Training
Date published: 14/05/2018


Monti Ghosh

Excellent course!

My Friend, who has already done web development course from this institute, suggested me to JAVA course from Acesoftech Academy because the trainers here are very good and teaching quality is also good.
-- Written by: Monti Ghosh, Advance JAVA Training
Date published: 04/09/2018